Every individual has different needs and wants

Services I provide

Money Management, Wealth Protection, Wealth Accumulation, Wealth Distribution
are the 4 pillars of Financial Planning.
As I believe that everyone have different needs and wants. There is no “one size fits all” solution.
In fact, financial planning is a journey where constant review and checking is required.

Money Management

Money Management is the first pillar of financial planning. Understanding your income, expenses, assets, liabilities and most importantly your goals and desires will allow you to have a clearer picture of what you want in future.

Wealth Protection

Wealth Protection ringfence your assets in unforeseen and inevitable situations.
Both individuals and businesses must have risk management plans to protect against events that will financially impact them.

Wealth Accumulation

The amount of financial instruments in the market ranging from simple fixed deposits to high risk crypto-currencies might be confusing for everyone.
Identifying your risk profile will help you accumulate your monies with you knowing what exactly is the risk involved.

Wealth Distribution

Legacy Planning
As we progress in our life, and obtain financial success. Gifting the money to the correct people at the correct time will be on your mind.

About Me

Andy Koh is a Financial Services Manager in Phillip Securities Pte Ltd since 2011.
He is currently managing a team of 9 advisers.

Whatsapp  : 8125 9042
Facebook   : AndyKohFA
Corporate Profile : https://www.phillip.com.sg/talktophillip/andykoh/

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